Saturday, March 21, 2015


Out of all this bloody confusion, this yawning abyss, there is no help, no escape, no rescue other than socialism. Only the revolution of the world proletariat can bring order into this chaos, can bring work and bread for all, can end the recipro-cal slaughter of the peoples, can restore peace, freedom, true culture to this martyred humanity. Down with the wage system! That is the slogan of the hour! Instead of wage labor and class rule there must be collective labor. The means of production must cease to be the monopoly of a single class; they must become the common property of all. No more exploiters and exploited! Planned production and distribution of the product in the common interest. Abolition not only of the contemporary mode of production, mere exploitation and robbery, but equally of contemporary commerce, mere fraud.

Uncertainty and darkness exist. Socialism seems to be the way out. Changes can be brought about by the working class. The working class will create employment and economic change for everyone and restore stability. Production should not be controlled by one producer or single class. Production and distribution must be in the interest of the people. There must be an end to fraud.

Uncertainties exist in every political system since man has the inability to solve each person’s problems. One man’s problem may be solved but another man might be dissatisfied with what is done. A case in point is Grenada. The people were disgruntled with the governance at the time in 1979. There was a political coup and socialist ideology was brought in. The people were told that they would have a say in the governance of the country but in 1983, there was another bloody coup. The desire of the masses was swept under the rug. Uncertainties before and now.

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